Tag Archives: underground comix


First page of the relaunch of the little known Superb Mang, which in turn was a prequel to the little known Superb Villain. This series is now known as “Supa-Hero” cuz…why the fuck not, that’s why. Earf-1 is a take on DC’s Earth-1 or any of Marvel’s gazillion universes, Earf-1 (my creation) is the dumbest of all god damn it!Earf-1

Comix and Mad Dumb Inc.

Mad Dumb Incorporated began as a class project for a DreamWeaver class I was taking in the winter of 2013. I just like the phrase…”mad dumb”, a phrase that has many meanings….”excellent, very funny, very stupid”, all of those things…or none of those things. Likewise comic books have a variety of niches they fall into. Some smart, some dumb, some adventurous, some comedic, some for kids, some for adults.

Comic books and Comix are kin. Comix are the comic books deranged yet brilliant, talented but utterly depraved, little brother. Imagination without restriction, parody of reality, messages within minefields of madness.

With that being said, I’d like to reintroduce the public to a comic we can title under “Comix” I began over 10 years ago under the title “Superb Villain”

superb villain
this dude

That’s the protagonist/antagonist main man, Superb Villain.

Originally, it was a strip about villains; drug using/dealing, stick-up men, bank robbing hooligans.  Towards the end I decided to tell the origins of Superb and his gang. They would begin as heroes that somehow lost their way and thus Superb-One aka Superb Mang was born…

comix, superb villain, superb-one, pissing, pee, urine, anti-culture, subculture, underground comix

Now…all this was done in good old fashioned pen and ink and markers…no Photoshop or InDesign…just actual liquids on paper, and it looks that way. I stepped away for many years. Depressed and lost creatively I wandered through life David Banner, but you know…minus the Hulk.

So who cares? Well…i hope YOU do. Whoever you are. I hope that in a day or two when I post the newest page to this story ya’ll will follow and ya’ll will freaking LOVE IT. This story is a parody of our world and who we are filtered through the parody of a comic. I use archetypes and outright mockeries of famous characters from both DC and Marvel comics with some independents thrown in for good measure.

I’m finishing up the last of my newest piece now…stay tooned and tell a friend!